How are Cryptocurrencies Divided in a California Divorce?
Cryptocurrency is an unavoidable topic in today’s financial conversation, and is growing more quickly now than ever before. Investing in cryptocurrency is something that has become increasingly popular on an international level. Bitcoin, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, and Etherium are just some of the vast sea of cryptocurrencies that are slowly becoming part of the…
How Much Can I Get for a Spinal Cord Injury in California?
When you suffer a spinal cord injury, it can feel like the world has come to an end. Not only are you dealing with physical and emotional pain, but you may also be wondering how you will support yourself and your family. Fortunately, an attorney can help you navigate this delicate situation, and aid you…
What Are the Top Causes of Car Accidents?
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, more than 6 million car accidents happen annually. From distractions to lack of safety measures, drivers are at risk to some extent every time they get behind the wheel. Unfortunately, the majority of car accidents are caused by driver error. The importance of driver safety and strict adherence…
The Most Common Car Accident Injuries
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, over 3 million Americans are injured in car accidents each year. While you could be the safest driver, remain completely attentive and defensive on the road, and follow all traffic regulations, collisions and accidents can still happen. Some of these result in mild to serious car accident…
Injured in a Car Accident: When to Hire a Lawyer?
A lot goes on in your head before and immediately following a car accident. You’ll be worried about your wellbeing, the safety of anyone else in your car, and the damage done to your vehicle and the others involved. With so much going on, you might not prioritize calling a lawyer, but you should. So…
Spinal Cord Injuries – What You Need to Know
Did you know that over 17,800 people in the United States are diagnosed with a spinal cord injury every year? The leading cause of spinal cord injuries is automobile accidents followed by falls. Spinal cord injuries can be incredibly frightening and life-altering for you and your loved ones. If you or someone you love has…
Debunked: Myths About Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer
You’ve been in an accident, and you want to pursue the compensation you deserve. But instead of hiring a lawyer to handle your claim, you consider going it alone. After all, why hire a lawyer if you don’t have to, right? There are many stigmas attached to lawyers. So pervasive are these myths that some…
What Can You Do to Maximize Your Personal Injury Settlement?
The stress of suffering a personal injury can affect all areas of your life. As a result, you need compensation not just for your medical bills but for everything you lost as a result. But how can you be sure that your claim is everything you’re entitled to? Demonstrating how severely you’ve suffered can be…
How Do I Modify a Child Custody Agreement in California?
In the state of California, child custody orders are not necessarily permanent. Therefore, custody can change multiple times before a child is legally an adult and may need to change to keep their living situation ideal. But how can it be done? Sometimes circumstances change, and a parent may not be able to provide for…