social media

Social Media and Its Impact on Your Divorce: Do’s and Don’ts

Social media has become a significant part of many people’s lives. Some people don’t think twice about posting what’s going on in their lives to their online “friends.” Some post pictures of their children, or their latest vacation, while others may use it as a sounding board or to vent their frustrations. Despite why and…

Motor Vehicle Accidents More Likely With Older Models

In California and across the U.S., car crashes more commonly happen with vehicles that are older than 10 years. These older vehicles are often involved in fatal or preventable crashes because owners fail to do routine maintenance, according to the Ohio Highway Patrol. In one study of the last three years, older vehicles were involved…

School Start Times May Affect Safety Of Teen Drivers

Teenagers require 8 to 10 hours of sleep a day, and they usually need to sleep late into the day as well. What time school starts in the morning, then, can influence how much sleep teens get. This, in turn, can affect things like academic performance, mental health and, as one study suggests, safety behind…

Multi-Vehicle Accidents, And How To Prove Fault

Proving negligence in a car accident can be difficult, and it becomes even more so in the case of a multi-vehicle accidents. Residents of California may do well to know what the process is like, though. Negligence, first of all, is a legal concept referring to a persons failure to exercise reasonable care. Multi-vehicle crashes…

Truckers More Likely To Crash With The More Caffeine They Use

High amounts of caffeine over the short term can help truckers through the day, but if this becomes a habit, it may raise the risk for an accident. One study suggests a link between high caffeine use and higher crash risk, though future studies will be needed to prove any cause-effect relationship. California drivers may…

Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed After Bryant Crash

People across the country were stunned by the California helicopter crash that took the life of basketball legend Kobe Bryant and eight other people. Now, the families of four of the victims have filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the company that operated the helicopter flight. This follows a lawsuit that was filed by Bryants…

Multi-vehicle Fatal Accident Leaves 2 Dead

Practicing safe driving habits like removing distractions and always wearing a seat belt can potentially help reduce a persons risk of being involved in an accident. Unfortunately, being a safe driver does not address at least one issue other drivers. A recent fatal accident on a California highway demonstrates just how difficult it is to…

Research Demonstrates Link Between Music And Car Accidents

Musicians from all walks of life and genres have immortalized the state of California in song. While music is certainly an important part of the state, it could also be making the roads more dangerous. Scientists recently demonstrated that songs with certain BPM levels beats per minute influence drivers to engage in more risky behaviors…

Young Boy Killed, Others Injured In Fatal Accident

Officials shut down a California freeway for approximately three hours so investigators could work the scene of a deadly accident. Four people were injured in fatal accident, including the driver accused of causing the wreck. Sadly, a child was killed. A fatal accident such as this can be extremely distressing to injury victims and loved…