What to Consider Before Accepting a Personal Injury Settlement

What to Consider Before Accepting a Personal Injury Settlement

You’ve endured a life-changing injury through no fault of your own. Due to this injury, you may no longer be able to work, and your finances could have started spiraling out of control. Instead of doing the things you once enjoyed, your days are now filled with doctor’s appointments and medical bills. Plain and simple,…

Do I Need to Hire an Attorney for a Slip and Fall in California?

Do I Need to Hire an Attorney for a Slip and Fall in California?

Did you slip and fall due to someone else’s negligence? If the answer is yes, you may be wondering what your next steps are. A personal injury lawyer can help you recover the costs for medical care, time off of work to recover, deal with insurance companies, and file all claims and paperwork necessary. Accidents…

Understanding Division Of Property In A California Divorce

Understanding Division Of Property In A California Divorce

Whether it is amicable or hostile, going through a divorce comes with unique challenges. One considerable challenge is how properties, assets, and debt will be divided between the two parties.  While some couples will be able to decide how to divide their assets, most will require the support and assistance of a lawyer, arbitrator, or…

Is It Worth Hiring A Personal Injury Attorney In California?

Is It Worth Hiring A Personal Injury Attorney In California?

If you’ve been injured and wondering if it will be worth it to hire a personal injury lawyer, you’ve come to the right place. With the help of a personal injury attorney, you have the best chance of receiving compensation for your medical costs and other accident-related expenditures. While you are not obligated to hire…

Lawsuits and COVID-19, What You Need To Know

Lawsuits and COVID-19, What You Need To Know

COVID-19 turned the world upside down. Stay-at-home orders, businesses shuttering, remote work, and school closings all significantly impacted life as we know it. Even the legal system saw unprecedented changes. Cases were put on hold, Zoom calls replaced in-person court proceedings, and some courts even shut down completely. As we slowly move back towards normalcy,…

What is the Average Settlement for a Traumatic Brain Injury in California?

What is the Average Settlement for a Traumatic Brain Injury in California?

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an injury to the brain caused by physical force. This type of injury is caused in various ways, and can occur during car accidents, slip and falls, and other types of accidents where the impact is directed to the head. If you experience a traumatic brain injury, you may…

How Much Can I Get for Slip and Fall Settlement in California?

How Much Can I Get for Slip and Fall Settlement in California?

Slip and fall injuries are serious matters. What looks like a minor slip and fall incident can lead to injuries that can significantly impact your life in many different ways, physically, mentally, and financially. If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall incident in the state of California, you may be wondering how much…

Traits you should look for in a criminal defense attorney

Traits you should look for in a criminal defense attorney

There’s nothing like the stress of facing a criminal charge. Seeking a criminal defense attorney is not an easy feat and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Who you choose to represent you can make all the difference with your case. But, how do you choose an attorney? What qualities do they need? How do you know…