Tips For Making It Through Work While Going Through A Divorce
Californians going through a divorce may be struggling to handle their day-to-day responsibilities, like getting their kids to school or performing at work. This is completely normal, but it can also be problematic if it is not handled appropriately. While it is not a great idea to discuss all of the intimate details of a…
A Billionaire Uses Trusts To Hide Money In His Divorce
If you are getting divorce in California and there are assets involved, what is happening to Marie Bosarge should frighten you. The wife of a billionaire may be completely shut out of receiving her share of a very large marital estate because her husband legally moved nearly all of their assets to a state that…
Motor Vehicle Accidents More Likely With Older Models
In California and across the U.S., car crashes more commonly happen with vehicles that are older than 10 years. These older vehicles are often involved in fatal or preventable crashes because owners fail to do routine maintenance, according to the Ohio Highway Patrol. In one study of the last three years, older vehicles were involved…
Creating A Visitation Schedule For A Young Child
Parents in California who are tasked with raising an infant after ending their relationship may face a variety of challenges. However, the top priority should be to create a schedule that preserves the best interests of the baby. Ideally, visits will be scheduled with the child’s feeding and sleeping schedule in mind. Furthermore, visits should…
Crash Risk Higher For Teens Who Have A Peer As A Passenger
Teenagers are inexperienced drivers and can be distracted even by other people in the car, especially when those people happen to be their friends. California parents should know that teens run a 44% higher risk for a car crash when they invite just one peer to be a passenger. This is according to research from…
Keeping The Family Home In Divorce Is Getting Easier
Everyone knows how prohibitively expensive California real estate is, and that presents an obstacle when spouses are trying to keep their homes after a divorce. However, out of the recent economic chaos comes an opportunity for these spouses. Retaining the marital home has gotten slightly easier as conditions have changed. So long as it makes…
Student Loan Debt In A California Divorce
With nearly 45 million Americans burdened by student loan debt, there is no question that a large number of California residents take out student loans before getting married or during marriage. Given that the average age at which individuals first get divorced is 30, many divorcing couples are likely to have to have a significant…
Education Makes A Difference In Divorce Rates
You may be wondering what are some statistical patterns that would make a California divorce more or less likely. One of the common themes now present in the data is that couples with higher education levels are less likely to get divorced and know divorce rates. This is the reverse of the situation that persisted…
What Happens To A Business In A Divorce
When California couples are going through a divorce, they may have to decide what will happen to a business in a divorce which they both have ownership interests. They may want to continue running it, or one person might want to buy out the other. It can be difficult for people to keep running a…