How To Fight And Beat Your California DUI Charges
If you’re facing a driving under the influence (DUI) charge, you probably know that it is a serious situation, and you could be facing substantial penalties if the case does not end in your favor. The fallout of losing your case goes beyond having your license suspended. You face multiple fines, re-education programs, higher insurance…
How Is the Pandemic Affecting Family Law?
COVID-19 impacted our lives in an unprecedented way. As a result, our health, society, economy, and family lives have become uncertain, and many people are left worrying about the future. This is especially true if you’re going through a divorce or are struggling to understand how this affects your custody arrangements. Many courts closed or…
How Spousal Support Is Determined In California
If you’re in California and going through a divorce, you’re likely wondering what the outcome will be as it pertains to alimony payments, also called spousal support. Typically, the higher wage earner pays a regular amount to their ex-spouse, who makes less, but there are multiple aspects at play in the determination process. Many factors…
6 Tips for Preparing for a Personal Injury Lawsuit
Have you been injured in a car crash, bitten by your neighbor’s dog, or went through medical malpractice? If so, your friends and family are probably telling you it is time to seek out a personal injury attorney for your injuries and any loss of income that came with this accident. Like most people, you…
Common Mistakes Made During Divorce Proceedings to Avoid in California
Are you contemplating divorce or already going through divorce proceedings? If so, we know how tough it can be and we understand it is an emotional time in your life. It’s no easy feat to have your marriage under a microscope. Every divorce is unique, making the divorce proceedings different from couple to couple. Emotions…
How Are Damages Calculated in California Personal Injury Law?
Are you preparing to file a personal injury lawsuit in California and wondering how courts award damages? While there’s no simple formula that can tell you potential damages, how state law classifies damages can give you a rough picture. Even then, such estimates may not matter in the end. When it comes to personal injury…
What Evidence Is Needed to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit?
There are a lot of situations that can result in personal injury — from slips and falls in public places to traffic accidents and more. But how do you know which situations set the grounds for a personal injury lawsuit? If you’re like most people, filing a personal injury lawsuit may seem like too big…
What Are the Statutes of Limitations for Personal Injury Law in California?
If you plan on filing a personal injury lawsuit in California, do you know how much time state law gives you to take action? If you wait too long, your right to collect damages will expire. To file, it is important to know the statutes of limitations for personal injury law in the state of…
Things You Didn’t Know About California Divorce Laws
California divorce laws can be complicated. Knowing their ins and outs is vital to tempering your expectations and protecting yourself if faced with a divorce of your own.