Should I Contact a Lawyer After Being Injured in a Car Accident?

Should I Contact a Lawyer After Being Injured in a Car Accident?

I was in an accident, what’s next? Car accidents are, unfortunately, problems car owners face. They are unpredictable, but when they do happen, we are often left dazed and confused and looking for advice on the next steps. Here’s what you need to know immediately following an accident and why calling an attorney after an…

What Kind of Damages Am I Entitled to After a Trucking Accident?

What Kind of Damages Am I Entitled to After a Trucking Accident?

What to Do After a Trucking Accident If you have been in an accident involving a commercial truck, it was likely a major accident, potentially leaving you with serious injuries and financial damages. If the truck driver or trucking company is at fault in the accident, you can seek damages by filing a lawsuit. In…

Personal Injury Law in California – What You Should Know

Personal Injury Law in California – What You Should Know

Personal injury law in California establishes the legal framework for imposing civil liability for injuries caused by the reckless, careless, or intentional acts or omissions of others. It’s important to be aware of your rights when you are involved in personal injury situations. There are limits to filing a personal injury claim and the laws…

Motor Vehicle Accidents More Likely With Older Models

In California and across the U.S., car crashes more commonly happen with vehicles that are older than 10 years. These older vehicles are often involved in fatal or preventable crashes because owners fail to do routine maintenance, according to the Ohio Highway Patrol. In one study of the last three years, older vehicles were involved…

Crash Risk Higher For Teens Who Have A Peer As A Passenger

Crash Risk Higher For Teens Who Have A Peer As A Passenger

Teenagers are inexperienced drivers and can be distracted even by other people in the car, especially when those people happen to be their friends. California parents should know that teens run a 44% higher risk for a car crash when they invite just one peer to be a passenger. This is according to research from…

School Start Times May Affect Safety Of Teen Drivers

Teenagers require 8 to 10 hours of sleep a day, and they usually need to sleep late into the day as well. What time school starts in the morning, then, can influence how much sleep teens get. This, in turn, can affect things like academic performance, mental health and, as one study suggests, safety behind…

Research Demonstrates Link Between Music And Car Accidents

Musicians from all walks of life and genres have immortalized the state of California in song. While music is certainly an important part of the state, it could also be making the roads more dangerous. Scientists recently demonstrated that songs with certain BPM levels beats per minute influence drivers to engage in more risky behaviors…