pet custody

Pet Custody: Who Gets The Family Pet In A California Divorce?

To many, especially those without children, pets are beloved members of the family. Navigating through pet custody legalities can be confusing and cause anxiety about potentially losing your pet, but luckily with newer laws set in place and guidance from a trusted attorney you can come to an agreement over your pet’s ownership. California Pet…

What You Should Know About High-Asset Divorces

What You Should Know About High-Asset Divorces

High-asset divorces see many assets (or assets with a high combined total value) owned by one or both spouses. In California, the division of property in divorce must be equal, and as a result, high-asset divorces can become incredibly complex.  While hiring lawyers experienced with California divorce laws like the Hann Law Firm can take…


Keeping The Family Home In Divorce Is Getting Easier

Everyone knows how prohibitively expensive California real estate is, and that presents an obstacle when spouses are trying to keep their homes after a divorce. However, out of the recent economic chaos comes an opportunity for these spouses. Retaining the marital home has gotten slightly easier as conditions have changed. So long as it makes…

Does Socioeconomic Status Predict Divorce?

Common knowledge holds that marital satisfaction will start off high, only to dip over the years following the wedding. New research indicates that there may be hidden factors influencing marital satisfaction. This means that being dissatisfied in marriage might not be dependent on socioeconomic status. This status could be an unexpected predictor of satisfaction and…