A car accident often proves to be one of the most traumatic experiences of our lives, and the healing process may take years. Often, both physical and mental scars never truly fade – and injured plaintiffs may struggle with the impact of these events for the rest of their days. A car accident in San Jose may also lead to lasting financial effects due to medical expenses, missed wages, and other economic damages. Facing all of these issues, a victim may choose to work alongside a car accident lawyer in San Jose. Why might you need to enlist the help of a lawyer, and how can they help you address the impact of a car accident?


What Can a Personal Injury Lawyer in San Jose Do for Me?

Lawyer talking with client about consult law detail and prepare to sign contract agreement, law firm concept.

A car accident lawyer in San Jose provides a number of different services to their clients. Here is a brief summary:

  • Consultations: An accident lawyer begins providing services from the moment of the first consultation. A consultation is a preliminary meeting between an injured car accident victim and a lawyer. During this meeting, the victim will have a chance to explain their unique situation and ask any pressing questions. The lawyer will offer advice and ultimately decide whether to represent the client. Consultations are incredibly useful, as they allow victims to determine whether or not their case is worth pursuing further.
  • Settlement Negotiations: Insurers settle most injury cases outside of court. In other words, they agree to provide the victim with a sum of money. In exchange, the plaintiff agrees not to pursue any further legal action. This helps both parties avoid the time-consuming, costly litigation process. Injury lawyers can assist during settlement negotiations, ensuring you get a fair level of compensation that covers all your damages.

How Do You Find the Best Car Accident Lawyers in San Jose?

  • Experience: One of the most important characteristics of a personal injury attorney is experience. Ideally, you should strive to work with a lawyer who has been practicing for several decades. These lawyers will have handled countless injury cases over the years while encountering virtually every challenge imaginable. Experienced personal injury attorneys may also focus on a specific practice area, such as motorcycle accidents, bicycle accidents, truck accidents, and so on. 
  • Qualifications: All lawyers in California must earn certain qualifications before they can legally practice in the state. The most obvious requirement is successfully passing the state bar exam. Lawyers must also earn a law degree from a recognized law school. Law schools typically only accept students who already have an undergraduate degree, so lawyers in California generally have completed many years of post-secondary education. 
  • Communication: The best injury lawyers in California have excellent communication skills. When speaking to you in person (or by phone/email), their messages should seem clear, concise, and relevant. Lawyers should always strive to explain complex legal concepts in an easy-to-understand manner for their clients. When communicating with your lawyer, you should feel a sense of certainty and confidence. 
  • Results: Results are important when it comes to injury lawsuits in California. Many lawyers will let you know details about their past lawsuits – including specifics about settlements, jury awards, and more. A history of solid results is always an encouraging sign. 
  • Your Instincts: Last but certainly not least, consider trusting your instincts when choosing injury lawyers. If you get a positive feeling during that first consultation, you’re probably on the right track.

Can San Jose, CA Attorneys Help Me Get More Compensation?


Source: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=CIV&sectionNum=1431.2.

Injury lawyers can help you pursue fair compensation that covers your damages. Your exact level of compensation depends on the losses you have experienced as a direct result of your accident. These losses fall into two categories:

  • Economic Damages: Economic damages include missed wages, medical expenses, funeral expenses (in the event of a fatality), and any other financial losses resulting from the crash. 
  • Non-Economic Damages: Non-economic damages include emotional or mental losses, such as PTSD, depression, disfigurement, emotional distress, and much more. 

The best lawyers can help you pursue compensation for both non-economic and economic damages.

How Can a Whiplash Attorney in San Jose Help?

A common car accident injury is whiplash. This injury may lead to medical expenses and weeks of missed wages. A personal injury attorney can help you recover compensation for these damages – ensuring that you pay absolutely no out-of-pocket expenses for your whiplash while getting treatment from a San Jose healthcare provider such as the Allied Pain & Spine Institute

Reach Out to the Hann Law Firm Today for More Information

A car accident can lead to all kinds of questions, and internet research can only get you so far. In order to approach this situation with a measure of confidence, consider getting in touch with the Hann Law Firm at your earliest convenience. With our careful guidance, you can pursue compensation effectively. During an initial consultation, our experienced car accident lawyers in San Jose will answer any questions you might have. From there, we’ll help you assess the most appropriate course of action as you seek compensation and justice. Reach out today to learn more about your options. 

Hann Law Firm in San Jose, CA

Address: 84 W. Santa Clara St. Suite 790 San Jose, CA 95113
Phone: (408) 755-3498
Email: hlfmail@hannlawfirm.com

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